Are You Ready to fix the "Thing" That's
Missing From Your Marriage?
Watch the video below to see what Manly Marriage Revival is all about...
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My wife had an emotional affair and my marriage was going down fast... I'd been trying to fix things, but nothing seemed to be working. Even before I finished working through Manly Marriage Revival, I noticed that things started to change for the better. Since then, I've used the advice and exercises you teach to help get back on the right track.
It's only been a few weeks but I've already noticed major changes in my marriage. Thank you!

Here's a quick look at (some of) the subjects
covered inside Manly Marriage Revival:
- How do you deal with a cold wife?
- How do you show your wife you've forgiven her?
- What's the best way to speak your mind?
- Specific things to say to your wife if she wants out of the marriage
- Real-life success stories and advice from men who've saved their marriage
- How do you become more attractive to your wife?
- Understanding her needs
- How do you become a leader if you have low confidence?
- What do you do RIGHT NOW if your wife is asking for divorce?
- How do you cope with jealousy and other painful emotions?
- What do you do if your wife is having an emotional affair?

- How to be affectionate & show your wife you love her
- Specific DO's & DON'Ts if your wife wants a separation
... And this just barely scratches the surface of what you'll learn!
Be sure to read the testimonials on this page to see how Manly Marriage Revival
has already helped other men like you.
I was sitting on the fence deciding whether or not to get Manly Marriage Revival. In the end, I decided to pick up an early bird copy and I'm very glad I did.
After getting through all 330+ pages of the course, I can now see so many things that I need to do to fix my marriage. Jacob, you've created the ultimate survival guide for men facing marriage trouble.

ready to sign up?
If you're facing separation, infidelity or divorce, and you're ready to learn exactly how to apply husbandly leadership to your marriage, then click below to get access to Manly Marriage Revival:
You have access to this $30 discount because we have corresponded via email. Thank you for your support!
Here's a More Detailed Look at
What You'll Get From Manly Marriage Revival:
Want a peek inside the course? Here are just a few of the things you'll get with Manly Marriage Revival:
How & Why Leadership Has the Power to Transform Your Marriage
Leadership does more than just rekindle your wife's attraction...
You already know that leadership is the single most attractive trait that a husband can have. But, that's only the tip of the iceberg.
In the course, you'll learn the connection between leadership, attraction, forgiveness and love. You'll also learn specific ways to demonstrate your leadership in ways that actually make an impact on your marriage.

How to Express Love Without Smothering
or Controlling Her
Show affection and love your wife in a way that's meaningful to her...
If you've never been the affectionate type (I know I wasn't), you'll learn how to show your love to your wife in ways that are meaningful and memorable.
You'll learn what your wife needs from you to feel loved and valued as a woman and partner in the marriage. You'll learn how to actually reap the rewards of leadership and how to re-engage with your wife.
The whole course was great. I wish I had this 10 years ago. Whether your marriage is on the rocks or things are going great with your wife, Manly Marriage Revival will help you be a better husband.

The Secret to Leading Your Wife
When She Doesn't Want to Be Led
Finally get through to your cold or distant wife...
Dealing with a cold or distant wife? Or maybe she's the dominant type and has no interest in your leadership.
Either way, this course is for you. There's an entire chapter that goes in-depth into the REAL reason your wife is cold, what she thinks about the marriage, and what you need to do to finally get through to her and start bringing her back to the marriage.

Specific DO's and DON'Ts When
Your Wife is Separated & Wants Divorce
You'll learn exactly what to say and do to make your marriage her best option...
Manly Marriage Revival is one of the only resources in existence that actually answers the question, "What do I DO if my wife is already separated?"
You'll get a detailed list of do's and don'ts to help you gain perfect self-control and make yourself into the type of man she wants to stay with, even if she's already on her way out of the marriage.
Everything You Ever Need to Know About Communication & Understanding Her Needs
Let's face it - communication is hard, but it won't be after this...
A major section of this course is dedicated to communicating like a leader, and everything that goes along with that.
- You'll learn how to speak your mind with love and confidence
- You'll learn how to show affection and build intimacy
- You'll learn specific things to say to your wife if she wants out of the marriage.
- You'll learn how to handle conflict, even if you're a soft-spoken, introverted guy like me.

Jacob, through this course you have become that friend I desperately needed to say the hard things I needed to hear to get through the problems in my marriage. By helping me put myself in her shoes, I have set her free, freed myself, and set the foundation for a new, truly beautiful marriage that I will dedicate my life to building and defending.
Also, you should know that I've been a Platinum member of for about 7 years. There is nothing out there like Manly Marriage Revival.

Dealing With an Affair?
Get a Roadmap Back to a Happy Future
Get a clear roadmap to help you properly navigate her affair...
Whether you suspect an affair, she's having an affair but won't stop, or she HAD an affair and now you're recovering, you'll learn exactly what to do to move forward and repair your marriage. Chapter 18 is "The Affair Chapter".
Step-by-Step Process to
Solve Marriage Problems Like a Man
Solve marriage problems and finally put them behind you...
In the Manly Marriage Revival, you'll learn the anatomy of EVERY marriage problem, and how to solve problems like a leader, even if you're the only one trying to fix them.
You'll learn what leadership looks like when it's put into practice actually solving problems and making the tough decisions in your marriage. You'll learn how to apologize without begging.

DIY Exercises to Become a Better Husband
& Rebuild Attraction
Every marriage is different, so these exercises are designed to help you identify and overcome the unique obstacles in your own marriage.
Throughout the course, you'll be doing several different exercises to help you get a better understanding of the unique obstacles in your marriage, and finally see what YOU as the leader need to do to overcome them.
Just like going to the gym makes your body stronger, the exercises in Manly Marriage Revival will help you make your marriage stronger!
And That's Just the Beginning...
Manly Marriage Revival is the answer to all of the most common questions
I've received from thousands of men over the past 5+ years.
My wife told me she was no longer in love with me, then 5 days later I discovered her emotional affair. It has been 105 days since I discovered the affair, and I can now tell that the woman I love wants to be with me and is happy again. It has been hard, painful, and lonely and there is still a lot of work to do, but what you've taught about true forgiveness has helped me move forward.
Manly Marriage Revival will help every man who reads it to keep hope and become a better man regardless of where their marriage is at right now.

In the video at the top of this page, I promised you that if you read Manly Marriage Revival and use what you learn inside, then I GUARANTEE that you will both be and feel like a better husband and leader in your marriage. While I can't guarantee that you'll get your wife back no matter what (because neither you or I has mind control), I CAN and DO guarantee that what you'll read will give you the skills and knowledge to become the best, most attractive and most confident leader that you've ever been.
If you read Manly Marriage Revival, you have six full months to apply everything you learn to your marriage. If you're not 100% confident that you're a better husband and leader within six months after working through the course, I'll give you your money back, no questions asked.

- Course contains over 330 pages of actionable marriage advice, divided into 3 major parts and 20 chapters
- 24 audio recordings so you can listen to the entire course on the go
- The course is online, so you can access it from any device
- You can download a printable PDF of the entire course in standard book form for offline reading
- You'll get printable worksheets for all the exercises we do inside the course

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See What Other Early Bird Readers Had To Say
About Manly Marriage Revival:
I feel like i should pay you for the copy of your course you sent me last week. my wife was on the way out but we had a really great talk this weekend and i think she's back in the marriage. couldn't have happened without you man thanks

I'm glad I found you when I did Jacob. I was dangerously close to the edge of losing my wife. Things aren't perfect yet, but she's at least not talking about leaving anymore. Check back in a couple months and I'm sure I'll have a better story.

married 14 years
Manly Marriage Revival is a great source for every area of your marriage. I feel this shouldn't just be a resource for a struggling marriage but a must-read before you even enter marriage. I wish I would've had this information beforehand. The action plans throughout MMR put me on the path to being the husbandly leader my wife needs and I want to be.

I discovered your stuff about ¾ of the way through my wife's affair and I wanted you to know that it has truly helped at least one man. I have a restored marriage.
Actually, I have a brand new marriage. She is captivated by me and I am still the same old bald dude she was finished with. It is all due to manly leadership.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for giving me the knowledge to get my wife back! Seriously, I feel like a new man.

Jacob, this is great... I'm only half-way through, but I'm already starting to see changes in how me and my wife talk to each other. I actually used those communication tips from Chapter 9 last night.

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